
Hi, I’m Janace. I have been high-raw since 2014. I am all about living a healthy lifestyle that is fun and sustainable. I workout everyday and love to share my passion for raw healthy plant-based food.

I began my journey to better health because of high cholesterol and was looking for a way to reduce it other than traditional medicine. I transitioned from a SAD (Standard American Diet) to a vegetarian diet. This lifestyle was better than what I was eating but still contained dairy (cheese and yogurt) and eggs. When I learned that only foods containing animal products had cholesterol, I knew the change I needed to make was to adopt a dietary vegan plant-based lifestyle. Shortly after, I discovered a plant-based raw way of eating and it is amazing. I still eat some cooked foods occasionally, but my diet is mostly raw.

I believe it is important for you to find a lifestyle that works best for you, whether it is vegetarian, vegan, raw til 4, high raw, or 100% raw.

The road to health is filled with plants – Janace